
Thursday, August 15, 2024

What is anti- Debugging


Anti- debugging is how we can stop somebody from debugging our system and getting all the information out of your subsystem.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Why do our ears pop up when we go to higher altitudes or travel in air plane?

Ans : Due to the weight of the molecules in the upper layers of the atmosphere and the force of gravity exerted by the earth, the air molecules are pushed down near the surface and the density goes on decreasing as we go higher where air molecules are far away from each other.

Friday, August 9, 2024

What is the work of a control bus in a processor

 1. The control bus takes care of the logistics of data and commands 

2. It controls the direction of data 

3. Determines which element and when will it send data on the data bus

4. Carries the timing and control signals

Thursday, August 8, 2024

What happens when asteroids collide with planets?

Ans: When asteroids collide with planets a large amount of energy is released in the form of heat, light and sound. This is because of the immense impact which is a result of the large amount of kinetic energy possessed by the asteroids and the planets by virtue of their huge masses and great velocities .

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Why is an idle task required in RTOS

1. System stability

Refraining from keeping the system without any task running

2. Power management 

Idle task can be used to implement low power or sleep functions

3. Resource management 

Idle task can be used to implement memory freeing functions and other maintenance activities 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

How is a rainbow formed?

Ans: A rainbow appears after heavy rainfall when the sun is in the horizon . It is caused due to the dispersion of sunlight.
When the sunlight passes through the atmosphere each raindrop acts as a tiny glass prism and thus splits the sunlight into a spectrum .
Thus a beautiful rainbow is formed in the sky.

What is anti- Debugging

  Anti- debugging is how we can stop somebody from debugging our system and getting all the information out of your subsystem.