
Monday, August 5, 2024

Why does steam cause more severe burns than boiling water?

Ans: Steam causes more severe burns than boiling water because the specific latent heat of steam is 2260 J/g which means every gram of steam that condenses on the skin gives off 2260 J of extra heat.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Why does a fish regardless of its size feel the same pressure at the same depth in water?

Ans: This is because of the pressure exerted by liquid does not depend on the surface area of the object immersed in water but only depends on the depth which acts from all directions .

Saturday, August 3, 2024

What is a Race condition

 In parallel programming, if 2 threads try to access the same shared resource simultaneously then this can lead to unpredictable behaviour or errors this is called race condition

Friday, August 2, 2024

What are the phases of a compiler

 1. Lexical analysis (Scanning)

Breaking out the source code into token(keywords, identifiers, operators and literals

The stream of tokens acts as an input to the next phase 

2. Syntax analysis(parsing )

Checks the sequence of the tokens for syntactic errors as per the Grammer rules of the programming language

Constructs a parse tree (syntax) tree that represents the syntactic structure of the program 

3. Semantic analysis

Checks the meaning of each statement as per the language rules 

Ensures the the declaration, types and usage is variables and functions are semantically correct 

Generates an annoyed syntax tree ( AST) with type informs and references 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

What is NVIC

 NVIC or Nested vector interrupt controller is used for

1. Controlling the interrupt traffic that comes to the controller 

2. The configuration of external interrupts 

3. Enabling , Disabling and pending interrupts

4. Priority and Priority grouping can also be done by the NVIC

5. Preempting a low priority interrupt when a high priority interrupt arrives

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What is a memory map

1. A file that contains mapping of different regions in the addressable memory location range.

2. Memory maps are fixed in the processor designs.

3. Explains the mapping of various peripheral registers.

4. Processor addressable memory ranges depend on the size of the address bus.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

What is a Reset handler

 A Reset handler is a program or a assembly function that carries out all the required initialisations before calling the main function 

The Reset handler is implemented in the Startup file of the code.

What is anti- Debugging

  Anti- debugging is how we can stop somebody from debugging our system and getting all the information out of your subsystem.