
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Characteristics of ROS(Robotics Operating System)

  Reusability of the program

Tt is said that  NASA innorder to control their robot Robonaut2 used in the International
Space Station, they not only used programs developed in-house but also used ROS,  in order to accomplish their mission in outer space.

Communication Based Program

In order to achieve the reusability of robot software, each program and feature is divided into smaller pieces based on its function. This is called componentization or modularization according to the platform.

It is remarkably useful
for finding errors because programs that are divided into minimal functions can be debugged

Support of Development tools

ROS provides debugging tools, 

2D visualization tool (rqt, rqt is a software framework of ROS that implements the various GUI tools in the form of plugins) 

3D visualization tool (RViz) that can be used without developing necessary tools for robot development. 

One of the most important characteristics of ROS is that it provides software tools necessary for robot development, which maximizes the convenience of development.

Active community

community for open source software platform
It is progressing to a state where users come together and think of what robot software should entail for the advancement of robotics and collaborate in order to fill the missing pieces in the puzzle.

Formation of the Eco system

It is creating an ecosystem that everyone ― hardware developers from the robotic field such as robot and sensor companies, ROS development operational team, application software developers, and users ― can be happy with it

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What is anti- Debugging

  Anti- debugging is how we can stop somebody from debugging our system and getting all the information out of your subsystem.